LIN 506: Sociolinguistics | TR 2-3:15 | Barrett
This course is an advanced survey of current areas of research in sociolinguistics. Topics include dialectology, language variation and change, ineractional sociolinguistics, language and gender, bilingualism, and language contact. Pre-req: LIN 221 or LIN 222 or SOC 101 or ANT 220. Same as ANT 506, SOC 506
LIN 510: Corpus Linguistics | TR 3:30-4:45 | Lauersdorf
A linguistic corpus is a collection of language samples chosen to model language use of a specific speech community and to provide primary materials for linguistic investigation. Modern digital corpora harness the quantitative power of computers for data-rich analysis in all areas of linguistic study. This course surveys the key principles of corpus linguistics and the criteria used in assembling linguistic corpora. It discusses the application of corpus-based investigations across linguistic research domains, and engages students in hands-on linguistic research using various types of corpora. Pre-req: LIN 221 and 222. Students enrolled in 510 must enroll in 540
LIN 512: Syntactic Analysis | TR 2-3:15 | Carrier
This course provides students with the practical skills and the theoretical frameworks needed to understand current research in syntax. You will learn how linguists study the structure of sentences in the languages of the world. You will learn how linguists develop theoretical models to understand the human capacity for language and be introduced to some of these models. You will learn to conduct data analysis, how to evaluate formal hypotheses, and how to provide support for and against these hypotheses. Pre-req: LIN 221. Same as: ENG 512
LIN 540: Lab in Linguistics: Corpus Linguistics | F 3-4:40 | Lauersdorf
A laboratory course offering students the opportunity for hands-on application of the general theories and methods of linguistics at the level of advanced undergraduate/beginning graduate training. The lab environment will generally involve both individual and small group work, developing both independent research skills and an ability to engage in collaborative linguistic investigation. May be repeated for credit under different topics.. Pre-req: LIN 221 or consent of instructor. Must be enrolled in LIN 510
LIN 606: Advanced Sociolinguistics | TR 11-12:15 | McGowan
Building upon the solid foundation in the broad principles of sociolinguistic inquiry developed in LIN/ANT/SOC 506, this course explores current theoretical debates in sociolinguistics by introducing a series of alternative frameworks, which may include paradigms like traditional Labovian sociolinguistics or the exploration of sociolinguistic concepts in social theory, and students will be responsible for assessing and critiquing each framework as presented. This course may require LIN 640 taken concurrently. Pre-req: LNI/ANT/SOC 506 (Sociolinguistics) or similar course approved by the DGS; may require LIN 640 take concurrently
LIN 611: Quantitative Methods in Linguistics | MW 12-1:15 | Fruehwald
An increasingly important method in linguistic research relies on measuring some quantity, and inferring some linguistic reality based on such findings. This course presents scenarios where such an approach makes sense, and outlines the appropriate measures and the safest, most reliable ways in which such measures can be used to draw inferences.
LIN 748: Masters Thesis Research | TBD | McGowan
Half-time to full-time work on thesis. May be repeated to a maximum of six semesters. Pre-req: All course work toward the degree must be completed