A&S Offers Mid-Semester Classes
For students who may have recently dropped a class or hope to pick up some extra credit hours, these courses provide flexibility after the regular registration period.
For students who may have recently dropped a class or hope to pick up some extra credit hours, these courses provide flexibility after the regular registration period.
Alan Timberlake, Columbia University. "Differentiated Object Marking in (North) Russian, Spanish, and Uzbek". LIN Seminar Series - Part of Year of Russia's Realms. University of Kentucky - College of Arts and Sciences
Alan Timberlake, Columbia University. "Conflicting Realms of Russian: “God sent Russia Putin” to P****-Riot". Public Lecture - Part of Year of Russia's Realms. University of Kentucky, College of Arts and Sciences
Elena Lawrick, ESL Director Reading Area Community College "English in Russian Academia"
University of Kentucky Year of Russia February 13, 2013
Elena Lawrick, ESL Director Reading Area Community College "English in Russia: From a Language of the Elite to a Language of the Masses"
University of Kentucky Year of Russia February 12, 2013
Maria Polinsky, Harvard University
"An experimental approach to English resumption"
Wednesday, 16 January 2013, 1:00 - 2:00 PM Linguistics Seminar Series - Part of Year of Russia's Realms
Maria Polinsky, Harvard University
"Fathers and Sons: Do all Russians in the USA speak the same language?"
Thursday, 17 January 2013; 7:00-8:30 PM Linguistics Lecture Series - A part of Russia's Realms
Dr. Edward Vadja "The Ket Language of Siberia"
a part of the University of Kentucky Linguistics Lecture Series and the College of Arts and Sciences Russia's Realms