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Community / Linguistics Graduate Student Association

Linguistics Graduate Student Association

The purpose of the Linguistic Graduate Student Association (henceforth LGSA) is to enhance the social, networking, outreach, and professional development experiences of graduate students in linguistics and the language sciences. This includes, but is not limited to, promoting linguistics related activities, facilitating mentoring opportunities, undertaking communications with linguistics faculty, increasing awareness of and advocating for linguistics related issues on campus at the University of Kentucky.


LGSA AY 24-25 advisor:

Mark Lauersdorf

LGSA Officers AY 24-25:

President: Jules Blank

Vice President: Xander Johnson

Secretary: Stella Takvoryan

Director of Committees: Kaitlin Young

Treasurer: Brianna O'Boyle

Director of Outreach: Alex Theoden Morgan

Graduate Student Congress Representative: Vacant


Contact us:

Find our Facebook page for upcoming events and interesting tidbits. (You must log in to Facebook in order to view the group.)