(I left the program temporarily in fall 2022 to attend to ongoing family matters, and as of fall 2024 have re-entered the MA program on a part-time basis.)
I have a number of research interests even beyond those listed here (some left over from a previous attempt to complete a PhD in anthropology, others new), but the ones shown represent my core foci for this program. My master's thesis topic is in flux, but will likely center on a particular issue from Indonesian morphophonology, with some "sprinkles" from the syntax world. I also have a particular interest in the ethnohistory of language change among specific multiple indigenous languages of the Pacific Northwest--along with general interests in NLP and computational linguistics broadly, and semantics and translation studies (both in the computational as well as the humanities senses of those areas).
I have been working on the Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics in parallel, but plan to transition soon to the Applied Master's in Statistics, as a concurrent degree program.
In addition to required activities for the Linguistics and Statistics programs, I'm working independently (if not always consistently) on learning Indonesian, Latin, Lushootseed (f/k/a "Puget Salish"; one of the Pacific Northwest languages alluded to above), and Cornish (the language of some of my ancestors)--plus brushing up on my long-dormant Russian.
Persiapkan hari ini sebaik-baiknya, untuk menghadapi hari esok yang baru.
Teaching experience:
Instructor of record (Type I teaching assistant), 2021-2022
University of Kentucky, Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies
(Technical Writing x2/2 semesters)
Instructor and Tutor, 2004-2007
Princeton Review Northwest (Seattle region)
(LSAT prep, MCAT prep)
Adjunct instructor of anthropology, 1995-1996
Seattle University, Department of Sociology
(Introduction to Cultural Anthropology *4, Culture and Personality, Northwest Coast Peoples)
Co-instructor [with Dr Fredrik Barth and Dr Alexander Hinton], 1993
Emory University, Department of Anthropology
(Southeast Asian Cultures)
Teaching assistant
[with Dr Charles Nuckolls, Dr Michael Harkin, and Dr Euclid O. Smith], 1991-1992, 1994
Emory University, Department of Anthropology
(Introduction to Cultural Anthropology *2, Introduction to Physical Anthropology [lab])
Selected publications and presentations:
Edgewater, I. D. (2022). Toward deep motivation as a factor in language change: Notes on the nasal->stop transition in Lushootseed (Puget Salish). Paper given at the 10th Annual Central Kentucky Linguistics Conference (CKLiC), April 2022, Lexington, Kentucky.
Edgewater, I. D. (1999). Music hath charms...: Fragments toward constructionist biocultural theory, with attention to the relationship of "music" and "emotion". In A. L. Hinton (Ed.), Biocultural Approaches to the Emotions (Pp. 153-181). Cambridge University Press.
+ Indonesian language study (U. of Hawai'i)
MA, 1993 (& ABD 1994), Anthropology - Emory University
+ Vietnamese language study (SEASSI, CIEE)
BA, 1990, Anthropology and Psychology - University of Kentucky - ΦΒΚ
- Morphophonology
- Language Change
- Historical linguistics
- Anthropological linguistics and linguistic anthropology
- Southeast Asian languages (esp. Austronesian and Austroasiatic)
- Linguistics