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Past Events

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Speaker(s) / Presenter(s) Date
Seminar Series: "Variation in young women's perceptions of dialect differences in the Arab World" Dr. Joseph Tyler (Morehead State University) -
Linguistics Seminar: "Embodiment and Competition: Two Factors in the Organization of Languages" Dr. Mark Aronoff (Stony Brook University) -
Linguistics Seminar: "On the Prescriptivity of Imperatives" Dr. Matthew Chrisman (University of Edinburgh) and Dr. Graham Hubbs (University of Idaho) -
Linguistics Seminar: "On the architecture of the left periphery in early Celtic and related matters" Prof. Joe Eska (Virginia Tech) -
Linguistics Seminar: "Data-Driven Compound Analysis" Prof. Dr. Joachim Scharloth (Technical University Dresden) -
2nd Annual Graduate Conference in Linguistics Various -
Student Research Showcase: Morphology, Phonology, or Both? The Reconstruction of the PIE Accent / Ablaut System Joseph Rhyne -
What are they? Some Hidden Forms of the Copula in Old Irish Prof. Joshua Katz, Princeton University -
Workshop on Creole Complexity Guest Speaker: John McWhorter -
The Power of Babel: and Why We Can't Fight it in Our Own Language John McWhorter -
Appalachians Strike Back: Eastern Kentuckians perceptions of dialect variation in Kentucky Jennifer Cramer, UK Linguistics Program -
Break dancing with the dead: Popular music and the role of ancestors in Maya language revitalization Rusty Barrett, UK Linguistics Program -
Languages, Dialects, or Repertoires? Approaches to ethnic language with a focus on Jewish English Sarah Benin Benor, Hebrew Union College & USC -
Translated Justice? Ixhil Maya Participation in the Trial of Ríos Montt for Genocide in Guatemala Maria García, UK Linguistics program -
Truth conditional pragmatics and semantic presupposition Prof. Lenny Clapp, Northern Illinois University -
From place names to the naming of places (people & things) in Chickasaw language revitalization Jenny Davis, UK Linguistics Program -
Student Research Showcase Undergraduates in Linguistics -
Translating Ching Chong: Anti-Racist Strategies of Language Elaine Chun, University of Southern Carolina -
Differentiated object marking in North Russian, Uzbek and Spanish Alan Timberlake, Columbia University -
English in Russian Academe Elena Lawrick, Purdue -
Epistemic and circumstantial modality in two Central Salish languages Claire Turner, University of British Columbia -
The Sonority Hierarchy & the Importance of Morphology in the Syllabification of Indo-European Andrew Byrd (University of Kentucky) -
"Does English Have Resumptive Pronouns?" -
Linguistics Program Seminar Series: The Ket language of Siberia Edward Vajda, Western Washington University -
Linguistics Program Seminar Series: The Linguistic Organization of Historical Memory: Ixhil Maya Reburial Ceremonies in the Post-war Period Maria Garcia, Linguistics Program, University of Kentucky -