Workshop on Creole Complexity
9:00-9:30 |
Welcome Tea & Coffee |
9:30-10:30 |
Is the Creole Prototype Hypothesis a mistake? John McWhorter, Columbia University |
10:30-11:15 |
The left periphery and topic hierarchy in Santiaguense: complexity in a creole pronominal system. Marlyse Baptista and Rachel Bayer, University of Michigan |
11:15-11:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:30-12:15 |
The complexity of definites in French based creoles Viviane Déprez, Rutgers University |
12:15-1:00 |
Language ecology and form selection in some Iberian creole languages Clency Clements, Indiana University |
1:00-2:00 |
Lunch |
2:00-2:45 |
If you look closer : Inflectional morphology in Louisiana Creole Fabiola Henri (Univesity of Kentucky) & Thomas Klingler (Tulane University) |
2:45-3:30 |
On Decreolization, Creole Simplicity Metrics, and the Tales of Brer Rabbit Kevin Rottet & Jamie Root, Indiana University |
3:30-3:45 |
Coffee Break |
3:45-4:30 |
Implicative relations and morphological complexity: The case of Mauritian Raphael Finkel, Fabiola Henri & Greg Stump, University of Kentucky |
4:30-5:00 |
Open discussion |
5:00-5:30 |
Business Meeting |
Conference Dinner |